Saturday, January 25, 2020
Procurement of Subcontract Packages
Procurement of Subcontract Packages Purpose The aim of this paper is to investigate how Main Contractor procurement procedures influence value on a project through competitively tendering Sub Contract packages; whereby cost is driven down by competition or single sourcing Sub Contract packages creating value through negotiation and innovation. Design/Methodology/Approach Empirical data was collected through structured questionnaires issued to Sub Contract companies and Main Contractor firms. 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Background What the Study is about When considering the procurement of a Sub-Contract package, the procurer is faced with numerous challenges. First he/she needs to gather all information required to decipher what needs to be procured and how the information can be transposed to potential Sub-Contractors. Secondly a contractual agreement is created including obligations and methods of compensation. Thirdly, the procurer needs to decide how to award the procurement contract between the Sub-Contractors, either through competitive tendering or single source negotiation. Ultimately the award method should result in the selection of a highly competent and desirable Sub-Contractor resulting in a cost effective product. The award method may be appointed to Sub-Contractors in two ways. Either a single Sub-Contractor can be approached to discuss and agree the works (single source tendering), or a number of Sub-Contractors can be invited to compete for it (competitive tendering). With regards to competitive tendering it is important to distinguish the method or form of competition from the criteria used for the selection of Sub-Contractors. Ciria (1994, p15) states that competition may be either: Open, where there is no limit on the number of Sub-Contractors invited to compete for work. Or Selective or restricted, where the number of Sub-Contractors invited to compete is limited. For the purpose of this study open competitive tendering will not be taken into consideration to keep the number of variables to a constant. Where competition is referenced throughout the paper we are to assume selective or restricted competition. 1.2 Research Focus This paper addresss the potential increase of project value generated by detailing a partnering approach based on Sub-Contractor and Main Contractor relationships; compared to that of traditional competitive tendering. Competitive tendering can be described as determining the value of the subcontract; whereas in contrast, negotiation is designed to create the value of the subcontract. Since the Latham Report (1994) and Egan (1998) was published there has been a greater awareness regarding the possible benefits to single source a product or service. In theory if contractors and subcontractors engage and work together would it provide best value? Alternatively would value be added by competition? Competitive tendering is still widely recognised as an attractive procurement mechanism and is strongly advocated as it helps to stimulate and promote competition encouraging many potential suppliers. This subject area has been addressed due to its close relationship with the Quantity Surveying profession. Accurate procuring of goods and services is essential to a projects success, having a direct impact on profit margins. This study is relevant to everyday work for a site based Quantity Surveyor dealing with nominated Sub-Contractors on a daily basis while working closely with the procurement team to procure future packages. Interest has motivated the investigation and address of the thesis question; Single source or competitive tendering; which procurement route gives best value? 1.3 Overall Research Aim and Individual Research Objectives The overall aim of this research is to advance an understanding of the impacts that tendering Sub-Contract packages through negotiation or competition have on a projects value. However, in order to understand tendering methods and its effects on value it is felt necessary to gain an insight into the forces driving Sub-Contractor and Main Contractor relationships and explore the barriers to implementation of both parties achieving maximum value. Further, this research will assess existing practices, exploring the experiences and views of professionals involved with Sub-Contract procurement. In turn two main research vehicles will be exploited to facilitate this study: an in depth review of relevant literature and the collection of and analysis of empirical data. The chapter entitled Methodology contains the details of both research strategy and data collection techniques to be used to obtain empirical data. Specifically, a range of objectives have been developed and unpacked from the central question, the objectives of this research are to: Identify and investigate the forces driving single source and competitive tendering procurement routes. Evaluate critically the construction industries current views and opinions, compiling the attitudes of the experts. Explore and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages for each method of procurement. Formulate and propose recommendations on the procurement route that provides more value to a construction project. 1.4 Value of this research At the risk of oversimplification of the purpose and value of each of the above objectives, objective 1 focuses on methods, reasons and emerging issues. Whereas it is in objectives 2, 3 and 4 is where this research will make key contributions to the field of Sub-Contract package procurement through single sourcing or competitive tendering. Each of the objectives must not be viewed as separate, unrelated issues. The listed objectives are necessarily interlinked. The first objective on investigating procurement routes will cover the strategic drivers and methods associated with the procurement of Sub-Contract packages. For example, it will, in effect, attempt to answer the question are there forces driving companies to procure Sub-Contract packages in certain ways and, if so, what are they and what do they involve? An example of such driver could be perceived as communication, which if the case, may act as a driver to encourage negotiation through single sourcing Sub-Contractors. Obj ective 2 on critically analysing the construction industries views provides an opportunity to gain meaningful insight into the views of professional staff, and management form Sub-Contractor and Main Contractor backgrounds, on what would encourage them to procure Subcontract packages through either negotiation or competition, what would discourage them and how these link to value creation as well as their views on the industries past and current approaches. Objective 3 on the advantages and disadvantages is of obvious relevance to assist in the analysis of each procurement route and links in with objective 4. Finally objective 4 formulating recommendations will, as a result of both a review of literature and the collection and discussion of empirical data, make recommendations. The objectives are not to be seen as independent of each other, but rather as all linked to issues surrounding procurement routes and how they can add value in the construction industry. 2.0 Literature Review 2.1 Introduction This literature review will examine the main issues surrounding the drive for single sourcing and competitive tendering associated with Sub-Contractor selection. Emphasizing current obstacles and potential benefits for each procurement routes from both parties. The study within this review of literature focuses on objectives 1 and 2 as set out in sub-section 1.3 of the Introductory chapter (the third objective will be completed through the vehicle of empirical data collection and analysis, while the final objective objective 4 is derived as a result of findings from objectives 1, 2 and 3): Identify and investigate the forces driving single source and competitive tendering procurement routes. Evaluate critically the construction industries current views and opinions, compiling the attitudes of the experts. Explore and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages for each method of procurement. Formulate and propose recommendations on the procurement route that provides more value to a construction project. By exploring the above areas of literature, a significant contribution will be made to this research. At the end of this chapter it is hoped that a critical understanding of key issues is exhibited, that the reader will be better informed in these areas and that there will emerge a clear focus, and justification, for empirical research in the field of Sub-Contractor procurement methods and their effect on value during a construction project. 2.2 Forces driving single source and competitive tendering procurement routes. 2.2.1 Historical Events Government Legislation Subcontracting became a popular practice in the 1960s and over the years established itself as an integral part of the industries production process. Projects were procured using traditional methods of delivery with main contracts being awarded through competitive tendering (Uher, 2009; Davenport, 2009, p.200). During these years the economy was stable with little inflation and low interest rates, the contractor was seen as the Master Builder due to employing most of its own direct labour and only specialised areas of work such as mechanical and electrical were subcontracted. Since the late 1960s the worlds economies experienced periodic economic downturns, increased inflation and higher interest charges. With the Construction Industry being highly susceptible to economic fluctuations, the adverse economic actions changed the traditional practices of the construction industry; one of the foremost changes being the shift towards subcontracting. Since the early 1990s the Construction Industry has continued its conflict-ridden competitive tendering culture, together with adversarial working relationships throughout its supply chain, (Brindley, 2004). The Construction Industry continued to pressure its suppliers to lower prices, along with delaying payments to them so that it could profit from a level of interest. This tradition placed risk on smaller businesses causing them to cease to exist or execute projects at inferior quality. Authors in the early 1990s were somewhat certain about their view between main contractor and subcontractor relationships; with main contractors driving prices down even if detrimental to quality, not paying subcontractors on time and in some cases forcing smaller companies to cease trading. The UK government, concerned by these facts employed Sir Michael Latham in 1994 and Egan in 1998 to produce two reports. Latham advocated the need for a Code of Practice for subcontractor procurement and for st atutory backing to fair payment terms (Latham, 1994). Consequently in 1996 the Construction Industry Board published and implemented a Code of Practice for the Selection of Subcontractors and the Housing Grants and Regeneration Act. In addition, Egan (1998) pointed out that partnering through the supply chain is a critical approach with which the UK construction industry can drive innovation and sustain incremental improvement in performance. In recent years main contractor supply chain relationships have changed from the traditional adversarial to the joint venture, with tendering experiencing a retreat from traditional methods of procurement towards single source processes. According to Davenport (2009) the contribution of subcontractors to the total construction process can account for as much as 90 per cent of the total value of a construction project. One of the results of this is that main contractors are concentrating their efforts on managing site processs rather than employing direct labour to undertake construction work. Main contractors have recognised the positive impacts that closer working relationships with subcontractors can have on package value and quality. Most work undertaken on construction partnering has been between client and main contractor relationships with little mention of adopting partnering with subcontractors. 2.2.2 The Contracting Framework A central problem in procurement is that both Sub-Contractors and Main Contractors share uncertainty about many important design changes that occur after the contract has been awarded. These changes are usually a consequence of design failures, unexpected conditions and changes in regulations, which have an effect on project costs. This observation suggests that relationships between both parties can become adversarial hindering supply chain relationships. Therefore project design completeness will have an impact on the procurement award method selected. (Tadelis, 2006; Bajari, 2006) argue that simple projects, requiring an uncomplicated design ought to be procured using fixed-price contracts as they have high design completeness. Therefore preventing the need for contract variations, and are best awarded through competitive tendering. In contrast (Tadelis, 2006; Bajari, 2006) state that complex projects demanding large design give rise to surprises throughout the projects due to low levels of design completeness. Implying that there will be a high chance for variations therefore it should be awarded through negotiation. The insight for these thoughts is through incentives to reduce costs that follow on site variations consequently having an effect on a projects overall value. In fixed price contracts, the Sub-Contractor offers the procurer a lump sum price to carry out the works as specified, with any changes being negotiated throughout the contract. The incentives for a Sub-Contractor to reduce tender costs offered by fixed price lump sum tendered contracts will lead to increased costs for the Main Contractor through variations when changes need to be negotiated. This valuable surplus to the Sub-Contractor leads to efficiency loss through the Sub-Contractor wishing to use these changes to his advantage. On the topic of competitive tendering Tadelis (2006, p.4) states: While competitive bidding does have the advantage of unbiased awarding of projects, it fails to respond optimally to ex post adaption. Therefore it appears that competitive tendering stifles coordination between Sub-Contractors and Main Contractors before specifications and drawings have been finalised. After all a Sub-Contractor has no incentive to offer the procurer advice on value engineering or innovative ideas, if anything the Sub-Contractor would benefit from holding any information from the Main Contractor as they would offer a competitive advantage over the rival competitors. Once awarded the contract the anticipated design errors will be discovered and the Sub-Contractor will be in a position to claim excessive variation costs. However In negotiated single source tendering both the Main Contractor and Subcontractor typically spend time discussing the project before construction begins. During these discussions the Sub-Contractor will have better incentives to suggest potential cost saving techniques through design and specification changes. Accompanying this more design pitfalls will be picked up before a p roject begins, potentially adding value. The competitive pressure through negotiating contracts with a single Sub-Contractor is weak with the procurer not achieving all the potential cost savings. 2.3 The construction industries current views and opinions Competitive tendering is widely recognised as an attractive procurement method and is commonly supported for numerous reasons. Largely it is viewed as a means of promoting and stimulating competition amongst Sub Contractors. By its nature open competitive tendering invites potential Sub Contractors from many venues reducing the likelihood for price inflation (Tadelis, 2006; Bajari, 2006). Fair market price discovery is beneficial to this type of tendering with open competitive mechanisms being transparent, making it easier to prevent corruption. (Cira,1994) suggests that competitive tendering has three significant advantages over negotiation which as as follows: Competition encourages a systematic approach which is more likely to yield the right Sub-Contractors than negotiation with a single Sub-Contractor Competition is a transparent process and so helps satisfy the increasing demand for accountability in both public and private sectors. Competition can give clients better value for money, particularly when compared on the basis of both their ability and fees. An interesting point made by CIRA, 1994 pg 14 arguing against competition was that Sub-Contractor input at an early stage cannot be described well enough to allow fair competition. This is because the Sub-Contractor helps define the works needed and bids consist of an element of judgement due to incomplete design. CIRA also mentioned that initially competition is a time consuming and expensive process and costs may outweigh any value saved. However the benefits of selecting the most suitable Sub-Contractor for the job could outweigh this initial investment. Competition can have practical exceptions to its use through complicated packages where only one Sub-Contractor has the specialist expertise needed. Or is services are needed urgently and there is not enough time to undertake the competitive process properly. Competitive tendering, where the lowest bidder gets awarded the contract, is deeply embedded in the construction industry and can be destructive in the long term as the need to minimise transactional costs tends to reduce quality and client satisfaction. The emphasis on cost competition, and the traditional adversarial Main Contractor Sub-Contractor relationships, results in frequent changes in participating firms from one construction project to another. This makes collaboration between them difficult. Partnering leading to single sourcing between Sub-Contractors and Main Contractors has been cited as effective approaches to overcome these difficulties and add value to a project. (Dainty, 2001) identified the following barriers to integration from the subcontractor point of view: Financial/cost-related issues related to competitive tendering based on price, which has developed adversarial relationships that result in serious problems with regard to payments; Planning/time-related issues, such as false expectations on part of the main contractor and unrealistic schedules; and Attitude-related issues, such as arrogant conducts, exclusion of the subcontractor from the early phases, lack of praise for good performance, poor site management practices, and lack of understanding of subcontractors problems. Latham (1994) defines partnering as a contractual arrangement between two parties for either a specific length of time or for an indefinite time period. The parties agree to work together, in a relationship of trust, to achieve specific primary objectives by maximizing the effectiveness of each participants resources and expertise. It is for this reason, that principal contractors are oblivious of the fact that sub contractors can bring added value to the construction project (Dainty et al., 2001). Conversely authors such as (Dimitri, 2006) recognise competitive tendering as an attractive procurement mechanism, stimulating and promoting competition, hampering corruption and inviting more potential subcontractors to price work. Although the single sourcing approach has shown promising results, there are some cases in which subcontractors have considered that it did not add any value, while some main contractors have seen little benefit in forming alliances with firms that they do not regularly work with (Dainty et al. 2001). Egan (1998) feels that sub contractors should be involved in the design team as early as possible. An argument which is echoed by Briscoe et al. (2004), who believes that sub contractors should be procured early, therefore need knowledge and ability to exercise value engineering and other innovation exercises. The primary reason for selecting sub contractors is their innovation and knowledge, not necessarily for the lowest price. However, high performing sub contractors use their innovation and knowledge, and can often deliver a better service at a lesser price. Low performing sub contractors offer only on low price, while high performing contractors offer value (Garrison, T. 2006). The next stage of this research will detail the Research Methods to be used to capture the empirical data, including details on the research strategy to be adopted, data collection techniques, sample selection and management of the researchers role. Ethics Statement When undertaking a research project careful consideration must be taken to ensure that any material contained within the project causes no harm or potential harm to anyone, or organisation. Ethics is the science that deals with conduct, in so far as this is considered as right or wrong, good or bad. (Dewey, 2008) An Ethics Review Checklist has been completed (Appendix A) which has highlighted a potential area for approval. This is due to the methods of research being undertaken which involve human participation. These activities specifically include questionnaires; to ensure they are executed in a morally correct and ethical manner the following steps will be taken. Ensuring that the subjects have the option to grant voluntary consent the questionnaire will be structured in a way that participants can opt out of answering either individual questions or not participate at all. This is honoured by all questionnaires being issued to the subjects via e-mail, permitting candidates to return the document in their own time and at their own will with no pressure to respond, therefore there will be no reason for any of the participants to feel uncomfortable. All questionnaires issued will be sent with a participation consent form and information sheet. The questionnaire refers to this documentation via a disclaimer that by returning the survey the subject agrees to the terms and conditions and privacy statement as disclosed in the consent form. This disclaimer ensures the subject that careful consideration is being taken to ensure that all participants and respective companies remain anonymous, to prevent any possible harm. Subjects will be referred to by job role only with no mention of name or company to eliminate any matters of commercial risk or damage to reputations. Feedback will be issued to subjects that assisted in the research thanking each subject for his/her time and input; including a summary of the findings once all research has been populated. In line with the Data Protection Act 1998 upon completion of the research all completed questionnaires and sensitive data will be destroyed, including any stored on hard disk and in the recycle bin. Two hard copy publications of the finished article will be produced for the university, in addition with one electronic; these publications may be available for public viewing in the university library which is disclosed in the participation information sheet. I intend to conduct a number of case studies for research; therefore it is incredibly important that each case study will be alphabetically referenced, with no mention of any information that could identify the individual, project, location, contractor, client or consultants. All material will remain unidentifiable including any diagrams, illustrations or drawings used. This ensures that all parties involved can be assured that there will be no information detailed in the document which could potentially cause harm. All sensitive material collated will be dealt with due care, and destroyed in the correct manner either by shredding hard copies or deleting the information from hard disk. Any secondary research undertaken will be wholly and correctly recognized to the author and source throughout the dissertation by means of Harvard referencing. Methodology Introduction A valuable aspect to this research relates to Objective 2: the opportunity to study the construction industries current views and implementation in practice in a subject that, although generating much discussion, is in terms of research in its embryonic stages. Research Strategy One research method that will be adopted, related to research strategy, is a questionnaire. What is a questionnaire approach and why is it suitable for this research? Cohen and Manion (2007: 317) describe a questionnaire accordingly: The questionnaire is a widely used and useful instrument for collecting survey information, providing structured , often numerical data, being able to be administered without the presence of the researcher, and often being comparatively straight forward to analyse. According to this definition, a questionnaire is therefore concerned with seeking individuals views, facilitating this researchers drive to probe deeply into answering the thesis question as to which procurement route provides more value by seeking representatives opinions. Cohen and Manions definition also gives merit to a questionnaires practical consideration, aiding the justification for using this researchers chosen research strategy and data collection technique. Data Collection The questionnaire has been structured using primarily qualitative research as it is linked to in-depth exploratory study. Enabling the opportunity for quality responses exist through open ended questions, probing participants thoughts and views. Denzin and Lincoln (2003) hold that qualitative research involves studying things in their natural settings, attempting to make sense of, or interpret, phenomena in terms of the meanings people bring to them. The subjects have been selected through convenience sampling, a non-probability approach to sampling as they have been exclusively targeted. Convenience sampling was used because of its expediency through issuing questionnaires to staff in the organisation for which this researcher works, and to subcontractors whom this researcher has dealt with. Through having a prior association with the subjects a better rate of return has been achieved, with subjects wanting to engage more in the research. In addition to this further time will be spent by each individual on providing more detailed responses further enhancing the thoroughness of this paper. Respondents are construction professionals and range from job roles such as estimators to surveyors and project managers to directors. The wide variety of job roles will give me the levels of unbiased data required to reach a conclusion. This method of research has been selected with the aim that subjects ideas and insights may lead to other, m ore detailed and representative research. Two different questionnaires were issued via electronic mail to a pre populated list of employees with one questionnaire issued to subcontractors and the other to main contractors. The purpose of this was so that the questions could be tailored to suit either the contractor or subcontractor, it was important to collate both views to reach an accurate conclusion. The theory behind using E-mail to distribute and collate the questionnaires was that it is much more reliable than circulation by post, easier to manage and track, whilst being convenient to people encouraging a larger participation as well as being more environmentally friendly and cost effective. Limited background data was requested such as position in company and level of industry experience as I felt other information would be irrelevant and not unpack the central question. There are no more than ten questions asked per questionnaire, it was felt that no further questions were required as a conclusion can be drawn from t he results and that by using fewer questions the participant is more likely to contribute as it will not encroach on their working day. The questions have been structured in a standardised manner so that they can be interpreted and analysed efficiently, there is a balance between open and closed questioning. Framework for Data Analysis Limitations and Potential Problems Convenience sampling suits this area of study because it is industry specific, by targeting known subjects this reduces the limitations of the research as there is only one researcher so manually sourcing or random sampling would be very time consuming with no guarantee of the quality of results. A perceived limitation with using questionnaires for research is that they are limited in number. This is predominantly justified due to the lack of time available as a student. To negate this risk the subjects were carefully selected to ensure a high rate of questionnaire return and an increased level of detailed answers. Methodology Rational Behind the Questions Questions issued to Sub-Contractors Interviews were dismissed as a potential research strategy; the rationale behind this is for the reason that unlike questionnaires they are not anonymous. Therefore interviewees may hold back from their true feelings or not give as much detail in their answers. This researcher has counteracted this by using open ended questions in the questionnaire permitting the subject the opportunity to express concerns and genuine views with the knowledge of total incognito; further substantiating that by using a questionnaire counts as valid empirical research due to its is suitability and relevance to this research paper. This researchers own primary data has been collected due to the lack of previous literature available on this subject; the majority of accessible information is concerned with client and contractor relationships and not contractor/subcontractor relations. Findings Introduction This chapter reveals the results of the survey described in Chapter 3 Methodology. This research concentrates on obtaining the views of Sub-Contractors and Principle Contractors with regards to single sourcing or competitively tendering Sub-Contract packages. Survey Findings; Description, Analysis and Synthesis Main Contractor Question 1.0 The first question Question 1.0 was: Do you feel that repeat work with the same subcontractor improves the working relationship in terms of discussing site issues/valuations? Response 17 (81%) of subjects questioned felt that working with the same Sub-Contractor improves the working relationship with 4 (19%) arguing against the majority. One respondent responded positively: A collaborative working relationship forms the basis of a much stronger approach to on site discussions and subsequent resolution of variations. Another stated: It needs to be two ways, with both parties fully buying into the benefits. One member conjectured that repeat business can improve working relationships however; at times this can be tested due to commercial pressures. No Main Contractor respondents stated a reason behind why repeat work with the same Sub-Contractor does not improve the working relationship. The replies from Main Contractor personnel suggest that there is still a problem with collaborative working. Although 81% of respondents viewed repeat work with the same Sub-Contractor in a wholly positive light, 19% felt differently. Question 2.0 The second question Question 2.0 was: Do you believe that repeat work with the same subcontractor gives a higher quality of workmanship? Response This question gave rise to many mixed views with 57% of the subjects surveyed believing that repeat work with the
Friday, January 17, 2020
Types of Friends
Classification Final Draft Types of Friends When I was a child, my parents raised me and my siblings to appreciate various kinds of friends. There are three types of friends I know of in this lifetime. I classify them according to how well they know me. We make friends or encounter them as we go every day. My first type of friends are called ââ¬Å"pest friendâ⬠. They are my acquaintance, or in other words I only know them by their name.I may not remember what they might look like if I go away for a short period of time. Usually, I meet these types of friends at school, at work, at a store or anywhere I would be. Next, I call them my ââ¬Å"guest friendsâ⬠or social partners. These sorts of friends I donââ¬â¢t talk too often. We would go out and at the end of the night we go our separate ways. Last, but no least, I have what itââ¬â¢s called ââ¬Å"best friendâ⬠. They are always there when I need someone to talk to or when Iââ¬â¢m down.They know me as a person and are always there with me through thick and thin, regardless of how bad things may seem. I am able to trust them with my problems. I donââ¬â¢t have to think twice about anything when I share with her. They never judge or criticize me, but are able to give me great advice or tell me something positive to encourage me and keep my head up high. Friends come in all different shapes and sizes: meaning they are all different. Thatââ¬â¢s why we categorize our friends. They all have a purpose to serve in oneââ¬â¢s life. Types of friends As explained by the Spanish Proverb. Friends are an Indispensable part of our life. They help us understand new things. They enhance our self-esteem because they think we're the best, because we matter to them. We don't need to pretend in front of them, just show the real personality. We all have friends. However, different people have different tastes and viewpoints to make different types of friends. In a questionnaire answered fromâ⬠World of Reading 3â⬠³ by Eileen K. Blab, people identified the qualities of making rinds and the most important Is a friend keeping confidences.A sense of humor followed closely. Good conversationalist Is the less valued quality. In general, throughout our lives we come across many types of friends: convenience friends, friend's of friends, online friends and close friends. Convenience friends usually are our neighbors or classmates who live close to us. These are the people we exchange some small articles of daily use. They will lend us thei r salt when we run out of it. They will ask us if we want to go shopping with them. They will aka care of our pets when we go on vacation for a week.And, when we have visitors, they let us park at their garage. We do these for them also. However, we won't come very close or tell too much. We may have their faceable or MS, but conversation is rarely started, unless we talk about weather or colleagues ââ¬Å"It's a beautiful day, isn't it? â⬠ââ¬Å"How is your new company? Are you satisfied with the current salary? ââ¬Å"something about ordinary greetings. Thus, convenience friends benefit from each other, but are not usually very close. My friends are friends with your friends so I guess ere friends, too. These kinds of friends are all about connecting people.I am sure most people know what that means. I have Introduced my friend who Is going to CBS to a friend who already was a CBS student. After a period of time, they meet and know each other. Soon, their circle goes on with their other circles of friends. This kind of phenomenon always happens in big social gatherings, such as parties. We will have a lot of fun together, have delicious food and exorbitant wine. Adversely, we usually chat for an hour or so, and then the conversation Is over. Conversation will continue even If they have nothing much to say to each other.If we meet on the street, the conversation would only last for a few minutes. I'd start withâ⬠Hey, what a coincidence, what are you doing here? ââ¬Ë and end with a ââ¬Å"Okay, see you. â⬠But I never really want to see them because I wouldn't take a time to drink coffee or eat dinner. In short, this kind of friends wont open hearts to each other. Teenagers now spend a lot of time on the internet, it has become a regular occurrence to get acquainted with online friends. This is the most uncommon type of rinds, however, they can also be the most precious.Simply Just because you all are strangers, you can pour your feeling ou t to them without any worries. ââ¬Å"Those who know us well want details and specifics; strangers allow us to operate more vaguely on a cosmic scale. You can only say ââ¬Ël feel like Vie known you for years' to someone you have not known for years. ââ¬Å"(From Roger Bert- Lost in translation). I used to have online friends who I almost everyday talk with. I wouldn't feel uncomfortable talking with them. In contrast, I told them all my happiness and sorrow. You can not Imagine topped talking, and life still goes on.So, these kind of friends are more like passers- by. Last, no doubt close friends is the best category of all kinds of friends. These people contribute anything for us. They can make the winter feel warmer, the sky more clear, the water sweeter because they are there. In addition, close friends take care of us. They can skip the class to come and see us when we tell them we are sick. They lend us their money, bed, heart, time, everything they have. We feel absolutely reassured that we have them. When I was a little girl, I was living n a small countryside.I still remember when I caught fire flies with my friend, Inning Hang. We were together so often, like each other's shadows. One charming night fall, we ran and played in a vast farm. From land to the farm, it has a slope with woods, so we would play on the slide. Ironically, we would both fall into a waterway and came home with our clothes all mucked up. My mom was shocked, and she asked me where I had gone and why I was like that. I decided to take of all the blame. The next morning she told me she did it in same way. That was a great impressive friendship.To summarize, each type of friends brings us diverse Joy. Convenience friends bring a lot convenience to us; friend's friends make us have a greater social hub; we can pour all our worry out to online friends; close friends always stand right next to us although many other people come and go. Sometimes we get problem that we can not solve a nd they are also the best candidate to help us. Treat wholeheartedly friends, greet people with a smile from the heart and we will receive the same in return. Indeed, for feeling at ease, for comfort, for support- not according to blood but to friends. Types of friends As explained by the Spanish Proverb. Friends are an Indispensable part of our life. They help us understand new things. They enhance our self-esteem because they think we're the best, because we matter to them. We don't need to pretend in front of them, just show the real personality. We all have friends. However, different people have different tastes and viewpoints to make different types of friends. In a questionnaire answered fromâ⬠World of Reading 3â⬠³ by Eileen K. Blab, people identified the qualities of making rinds and the most important Is a friend keeping confidences.A sense of humor followed closely. Good conversationalist Is the less valued quality. In general, throughout our lives we come across many types of friends: convenience friends, friend's of friends, online friends and close friends. Convenience friends usually are our neighbors or classmates who live close to us. These are the people we exchange some small articles of daily use. They will lend us thei r salt when we run out of it. They will ask us if we want to go shopping with them. They will aka care of our pets when we go on vacation for a week.And, when we have visitors, they let us park at their garage. We do these for them also. However, we won't come very close or tell too much. We may have their faceable or MS, but conversation is rarely started, unless we talk about weather or colleagues ââ¬Å"It's a beautiful day, isn't it? â⬠ââ¬Å"How is your new company? Are you satisfied with the current salary? ââ¬Å"something about ordinary greetings. Thus, convenience friends benefit from each other, but are not usually very close. My friends are friends with your friends so I guess ere friends, too. These kinds of friends are all about connecting people.I am sure most people know what that means. I have Introduced my friend who Is going to CBS to a friend who already was a CBS student. After a period of time, they meet and know each other. Soon, their circle goes on with their other circles of friends. This kind of phenomenon always happens in big social gatherings, such as parties. We will have a lot of fun together, have delicious food and exorbitant wine. Adversely, we usually chat for an hour or so, and then the conversation Is over. Conversation will continue even If they have nothing much to say to each other.If we meet on the street, the conversation would only last for a few minutes. I'd start withâ⬠Hey, what a coincidence, what are you doing here? ââ¬Ë and end with a ââ¬Å"Okay, see you. â⬠But I never really want to see them because I wouldn't take a time to drink coffee or eat dinner. In short, this kind of friends wont open hearts to each other. Teenagers now spend a lot of time on the internet, it has become a regular occurrence to get acquainted with online friends. This is the most uncommon type of rinds, however, they can also be the most precious.Simply Just because you all are strangers, you can pour your feeling ou t to them without any worries. ââ¬Å"Those who know us well want details and specifics; strangers allow us to operate more vaguely on a cosmic scale. You can only say ââ¬Ël feel like Vie known you for years' to someone you have not known for years. ââ¬Å"(From Roger Bert- Lost in translation). I used to have online friends who I almost everyday talk with. I wouldn't feel uncomfortable talking with them. In contrast, I told them all my happiness and sorrow. You can not Imagine topped talking, and life still goes on.So, these kind of friends are more like passers- by. Last, no doubt close friends is the best category of all kinds of friends. These people contribute anything for us. They can make the winter feel warmer, the sky more clear, the water sweeter because they are there. In addition, close friends take care of us. They can skip the class to come and see us when we tell them we are sick. They lend us their money, bed, heart, time, everything they have. We feel absolutely reassured that we have them. When I was a little girl, I was living n a small countryside.I still remember when I caught fire flies with my friend, Inning Hang. We were together so often, like each other's shadows. One charming night fall, we ran and played in a vast farm. From land to the farm, it has a slope with woods, so we would play on the slide. Ironically, we would both fall into a waterway and came home with our clothes all mucked up. My mom was shocked, and she asked me where I had gone and why I was like that. I decided to take of all the blame. The next morning she told me she did it in same way. That was a great impressive friendship.To summarize, each type of friends brings us diverse Joy. Convenience friends bring a lot convenience to us; friend's friends make us have a greater social hub; we can pour all our worry out to online friends; close friends always stand right next to us although many other people come and go. Sometimes we get problem that we can not solve a nd they are also the best candidate to help us. Treat wholeheartedly friends, greet people with a smile from the heart and we will receive the same in return. Indeed, for feeling at ease, for comfort, for support- not according to blood but to friends. Types of friends As explained by the Spanish Proverb. Friends are an Indispensable part of our life. They help us understand new things. They enhance our self-esteem because they think we're the best, because we matter to them. We don't need to pretend in front of them, just show the real personality. We all have friends. However, different people have different tastes and viewpoints to make different types of friends. In a questionnaire answered fromâ⬠World of Reading 3â⬠³ by Eileen K. Blab, people identified the qualities of making rinds and the most important Is a friend keeping confidences.A sense of humor followed closely. Good conversationalist Is the less valued quality. In general, throughout our lives we come across many types of friends: convenience friends, friend's of friends, online friends and close friends. Convenience friends usually are our neighbors or classmates who live close to us. These are the people we exchange some small articles of daily use. They will lend us thei r salt when we run out of it. They will ask us if we want to go shopping with them. They will aka care of our pets when we go on vacation for a week.And, when we have visitors, they let us park at their garage. We do these for them also. However, we won't come very close or tell too much. We may have their faceable or MS, but conversation is rarely started, unless we talk about weather or colleagues ââ¬Å"It's a beautiful day, isn't it? â⬠ââ¬Å"How is your new company? Are you satisfied with the current salary? ââ¬Å"something about ordinary greetings. Thus, convenience friends benefit from each other, but are not usually very close. My friends are friends with your friends so I guess ere friends, too. These kinds of friends are all about connecting people.I am sure most people know what that means. I have Introduced my friend who Is going to CBS to a friend who already was a CBS student. After a period of time, they meet and know each other. Soon, their circle goes on with their other circles of friends. This kind of phenomenon always happens in big social gatherings, such as parties. We will have a lot of fun together, have delicious food and exorbitant wine. Adversely, we usually chat for an hour or so, and then the conversation Is over. Conversation will continue even If they have nothing much to say to each other.If we meet on the street, the conversation would only last for a few minutes. I'd start withâ⬠Hey, what a coincidence, what are you doing here? ââ¬Ë and end with a ââ¬Å"Okay, see you. â⬠But I never really want to see them because I wouldn't take a time to drink coffee or eat dinner. In short, this kind of friends wont open hearts to each other. Teenagers now spend a lot of time on the internet, it has become a regular occurrence to get acquainted with online friends. This is the most uncommon type of rinds, however, they can also be the most precious.Simply Just because you all are strangers, you can pour your feeling ou t to them without any worries. ââ¬Å"Those who know us well want details and specifics; strangers allow us to operate more vaguely on a cosmic scale. You can only say ââ¬Ël feel like Vie known you for years' to someone you have not known for years. ââ¬Å"(From Roger Bert- Lost in translation). I used to have online friends who I almost everyday talk with. I wouldn't feel uncomfortable talking with them. In contrast, I told them all my happiness and sorrow. You can not Imagine topped talking, and life still goes on.So, these kind of friends are more like passers- by. Last, no doubt close friends is the best category of all kinds of friends. These people contribute anything for us. They can make the winter feel warmer, the sky more clear, the water sweeter because they are there. In addition, close friends take care of us. They can skip the class to come and see us when we tell them we are sick. They lend us their money, bed, heart, time, everything they have. We feel absolutely reassured that we have them. When I was a little girl, I was living n a small countryside.I still remember when I caught fire flies with my friend, Inning Hang. We were together so often, like each other's shadows. One charming night fall, we ran and played in a vast farm. From land to the farm, it has a slope with woods, so we would play on the slide. Ironically, we would both fall into a waterway and came home with our clothes all mucked up. My mom was shocked, and she asked me where I had gone and why I was like that. I decided to take of all the blame. The next morning she told me she did it in same way. That was a great impressive friendship.To summarize, each type of friends brings us diverse Joy. Convenience friends bring a lot convenience to us; friend's friends make us have a greater social hub; we can pour all our worry out to online friends; close friends always stand right next to us although many other people come and go. Sometimes we get problem that we can not solve a nd they are also the best candidate to help us. Treat wholeheartedly friends, greet people with a smile from the heart and we will receive the same in return. Indeed, for feeling at ease, for comfort, for support- not according to blood but to friends.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Albert Einstein, The Genius Of The 20th Century - 1559 Words
Where would humanity be if some of our great philosopher or genius scientist doesnââ¬â¢t exist? Would we still be primitive and not as smart as we are now? We have had many philosophers and geniuses in the past hundreds of years. Like the man who discovered gravity, Sir Isaac Newton himself. In the 19th ââ¬â 20th century, this man who played a key role in the many theories he has made. A project that won the war against Japan for the United States of America. Albert Einstein the genius of the 19th and 20th century. In his life time Einstein has made numerous of theories that one day it was proven. One of that theory was gravitational waves. It took 100 years for that theory to be proven but the man himself predicted it and theorized it. In thisâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Life seems to always find its way to make it hard for him. Even though he got his degree to teach physics and math, he could not find a job in that area. He began working in a Bern paten officer in 1901. Du ring his time working there he has developed his work in special relativity and other physics related work. He then married the loved of his life from Zurich, Mileva Maric in 1903. The two-couple had 3 childââ¬â¢s, Hans Albert and Eduard born in 1904 and 1910. Their first child born before their marriage in 1902, Lieserl, his fate was unknown. Their marriage lasted for16 years before they got divorced. Albert Einstein then married Elsa Là ¶wenthal, his fatherââ¬â¢s and motherââ¬â¢s side cousin. Eventually she died in 1933. Albert Einstein career was mesmerizing. He earned his doctorate in 1905 then took on a position to become a professor in Zurich in 1909, Prague in 1911, and Zurich again in 1912. He was a becoming a very successful man. His career then took off again when he moved to Berlin and became director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Physical Institute and a professor at the University or Berlin in 1914. Eventually he became a German citizen. In 1919 Sir Arthur Eddington, secretary of the Royal Astronomical Society, led an expedition to Africa. The time he was there, they measured the position of the stars during a total solar eclipse. This was a major validation of Einsteinââ¬â¢s work. The expedition group figured out that the positions of the stars were affected and shifted due toShow MoreRelatedThe Cultural Icon Of The 20th Century Essay1247 Words à |à 5 PagesAmber Gentile 12 December 2016 Period 2 Albert Einstein- The Cultural Icon from the 20th Century Albert Einstein once said ââ¬Å"I want to know Godââ¬â¢s thoughts, the rest are detailsâ⬠. Einstein wanted an equation that would encapsulate all physical laws. To put the beauty and the power of the universe into a single equation was his lifeââ¬â¢s goal. 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It was one of the greatest medical breakthroughs in the 20th century, thanks to Dr. Raymond Damadian the genius behind the MRI. Dr. Damadian started his schooling studying the violin at Juilliard, while there he won the Ford Foundation Scholarship out of 100,000 applicants at the age of 15. He then went on t o the University of Wisconsin to study mathematics, after that he earned his medical degree at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Dr. Damadian furthered his career by doing graduateRead MoreAutism And The National Autism1994 Words à |à 8 PagesAutism has become an increasingly important public health concern as the number of yearly diagnoses of the disorder has increased since the late 20th century. The National Institute of Health estimates that 1 in 88 children in the United States are classified as having an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) (NINDS, 2009), a genetic neurodevelopmental disorder that impairs children s ability to learn and causes issues with social interaction and communication. Symptoms of ASD include delays in speech
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
A Brief Note On The Civilization And The Indus Valley...
1. Norte Chico/Caral: Norte Chico is a series of s twenty-five urban centers emerged in an area. The largest of the urban centers is known as Caral. Platform mounds were found in this area, as well as large public ceremonial structures, stone buildings with residential apartment, and also other signs of urban life. 2. Indus Valley civilization: The Indus Valley civilization is located in present day Pakistan. This civilization had evidence to provide little indications of no political hierarchy or centralized. 3. Central Asian/ Oxus civilization: A civilization that was economically based on irrigation agriculture and stock raising. This civilization was a focal point of a Eurasian-wide system of intellectual and commercial exchange. This civilization started to fade away by 1700 B.C.E. 4. Olmec cilviazation: The Olmec Civilization was a final First Civilization that formed around 1200 B.C.E. This civilization arose from a series of competing chiefdoms. These chiefdoms turned into ceremonial centers filled with decorated temples, altars, pyramids, and tombs. This civilization may have even created the first written language in the Americas. Olmec civilization also influenced civilizations that came later on such as the Maya and Telihuacan. 5. Uruk: Uruk is an ancient Mesopotamia city, and is also the largest city. This city had walls over 20 feet and also a population of around 50,000 people. There were temples inside Uruk that were served as a center for ritualShow MoreRelatedWorld History AP8768 Words à |à 36 Pagesalso argue that basic problems of classical empires, such as overextension and the creation of a unified identity that redefines conquered peoples, are timeless issues still relevant today. Margin Review Questions Q. 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Kingdom of Macedon (SE) Return to index. 90à ¬ Alexanders Origins July 357 His parents were Olympias and Philip II and according to some legends and oracles Alexander has divine origins: Zeus andRead MoreThe Mughal Empire: Expansion and Art3293 Words à |à 13 Pagesthe Kushan Empire, the Mauryan Empire, the Aryan invasion and especially the Mughal Empire have all taken advantage of this cultural diffusion, and Indiaââ¬â¢s art and architecture are both very different because of it. Originally home to the Indus Valley Civilization, India has come a long way, gaining its independence from the British colonial empire only recently, in 1947. 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The earliest know glazes are found in the Nile valley about 5,000 bc - Egyptian past. water soluble soda and copper was mixed with the clay. This proved to be a technical oddity that did not lead to true glazing anywhere in the Mediterranean area. Most of what we call high temperature ceramics stonewareRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. 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One of the first new-generation private banks in India, IndusInd Bank was inaugurated in April 1994, Dr. Manmohan Singh, the present Prime Minister of India, who was
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